Alena Analeigh Wicker is the youngest black person in the country to ever be accepted to a medical school.

Alena wants to become a doctor. Alena is halfway done with her undergrad at Arizona State University and expects to complete her degree at 18.

I would like to leave a mark on the world. Alena said that a group of girls know what they can do.

She spoke with 12 News about her acceptance to the engineering program at Arizona State University and her desire to work with NASA. She was interested in a different kind of science.

She said it took one class in engineering for her to say this is not the place she wanted to go. I believe viral immunology came from my passion for volunteering.

The child genius was inspired by a trip to Jordan and the BrownSTEM Girl foundation, a program she founded at 12 that provides resources to exceptional minority students by form of scholarships and mentoring as they transition from college to career life

"What I want from healthcare is to show these underrepresented communities that we can help, that we can find cures for these Viruses," Alena said.

I want to make them feel good. She wants them to know that there are no limits.

She took to social media to express her gratitude for her mom.

She wrote that statistics would have said she wouldn't make it. A little girl is black. I made it because of the hard work I've done. Without you, I wouldn't have done it. I was given every chance to succeed. You gave me solace when I needed it and disciplined me when I needed to. A child could never ask for a better mom. I was the one who made it. You didn't make me feel bad because you believed in me. I was given the chance to experience the world.

Alena, I wish you good luck!

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