A British aid worker who was captured by Russian-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine in April died in their custody on Friday, an incident that may further stoke tensions between Moscow and London.


A man in military fatigues holds a machine gun while standing guard outside of a security service building in Slavyansk, which was seized by the rebels.

AFP via Getty Images

The human rights ombudsman of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic said that Paul Urey died on July 10.

Russia, North Korea and Syria only recognize the Luhansk People's Republic, which is one of the two unrecognized entities in the Donbas region.

According to the DPR official, Urey was suffering from a number of health issues.

Urey died due to his illness and stress, according to Morozova.

Sky News reported that the British Foreign Office told Urey's family about his death.

The condition of the British aid worker who was also taken into custody is unknown.

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In April, Urey and Healy were taken into custody by the DPR forces after they drove past a checkpoint in Zaporizhzhia. The Presidium Network advised Urey and Healy to work as humanitarian relief volunteers. The British Foreign Office condemned the charges ofmercenary activities made against the two individuals. Presidium and Urey's mother were concerned about his well-being as he had type-1 diabetes and needed access toinsulin.


Russian forces captured two British nationals in Mariupol after a long battle. The two men were put on trial formercenary activities. Two people were sentenced to death in a disgusting Soviet-era show trial.

Paul Urey, a British aid worker, has died.

A person dies in easternUkraine.