Prince Turki Al Faisal, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief and onetime ambassador to Washington.Prince Turki Al Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief and onetime ambassador to Washington.

He came in with a policy to stop completely fossil fuel usage not only in the United States, but worldwide, and now he is having to rely on fossil fuels as a means of meeting the energy shortage that has come about, not only because

CNBC requested a response from the White House.

The crown prince of Saudi Arabia is accused by the U.S. intelligence community of ordering the murder of a journalist in his country. The Saudi government has always denied the accusation.

The kingdom's ambassador to the U.S. questioned Washington's belief that it holds the moral high ground on human rights issues.

He said that instead of shouting at each other, we should try to improve what is on the ground for both the people of the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Biden promised an additional $100 million to support Palestinian hospitals in Jerusalem as he tried to revive political dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

If Iran continues to develop its nuclear program, action must be taken by the U.S., according to the Israeli prime minister.

The deck is against Biden according to Prince Turki.

He said that his visit to Israel showed that he was not using his history to force Israel to comply with UN Security Council resolutions.

It will be difficult for Biden to convince the Saudis that he is sincere in engaging with Riyadh on issues such as peace, energy, terrorism and Iran.

He said that it would be a project for the president to untangle the files that are full of baggage.