A former Trump advisor is raising money for a court case.

He hoped his supporters would visit his site, which he described as having a cool new URL.

If you can get over the $150K threshold, you can make a difference. It will be a million-dollar defense by the time it is over.

In June, he was charged with contempt of Congress for disobeying a subpoena to turn over information.

He said he was put in handcuffs and leg irons when he was arrested. He went on Tucker Carlson's show and said that he was treated like an Al Qaeda terrorist.

In June, he said that he was facing a number of hurdles when trying to hire lawyers. He said during the court appearance that he didn't want his retirement savings to be spent on lawyers.

The former Trump advisor's legal defense fund had raised close to $150,000 and was less than $2,000 short of his initial goal. People are encouraged to send $10, $25, $50 or more for the goal of $250,000.

If you give him $100 or more, he'll give you a free copy of his book, " Taking Back Trump's America."

One donor stated that they admired his "tenacity" after leaving comments on the page.

He wants people to give whatever they can afford to help him continue to stand up for the constitution and his commander in chief, according to the page. He deserves a medal for his White House service, according to the page.

The trial date is in November.