Donald Trump made a "gigantic mistake" when he withdrew from the Iran deal, according to President Joe Biden.

Biden said in an interview with Israel's Channel 12 that the only worse thing about Iran is that it has nuclear weapons.

The last president made a huge mistake by getting out of the deal. He said that they are closer to a nuclear weapon now than they were before.

The president gave an interview just before his trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia, as key US allies in the Middle East urged Biden to come up with a strategy for containing Iran.

The Iran deal makes sense, according to Biden. Hundreds of American soldiers have been killed in the Middle East over the last decade because of this paramilitary group.

Biden was asked if the White House would use force against Iran's nuclear program, but he said it would be a last resort.

Iran can't get a nuclear weapon.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was the Iran deal that the US withdrew from.

The US, the UK, France, China, Russia, and Germany are involved in the pact. Iran agreed to scale back its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions, according to the document.

The deal was backed out of by Trump due to the fact that it could allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon after it expires.

After Trump reimposed sanctions on Iran, the country began to walk away from the agreement. The agreement ended in 2020 after the Trump administration ordered a drone strike that killed an Iranian general.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said in May that Iran's nuclear program had exceeded the limits agreed to in the 2015 deal.

Iran's insistence that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps be removed from the US Foreign Terrorist Organizations list has slowed down the possibility of a new deal. Biden said in the interview that he wouldn't be willing to give in to that request so the deal could happen.