The property is located on a main street and has a lot of found objects. There is a collection of animals on the roof of Dance Party next to the driveway. There is an exhibit space for local artists in the back.

Between 11 a.m. and dusk, you can enter the path by the right side of the house and see the art from a different perspective. You'll see more if you look more.

Martha Friend has lived in Somerville for over four decades. She used to be a professional photographer and later earned a masters degree in social work. Martha has installations at her house for over a decade. There is a huge basement studio filled with a gorgeous collection of rusty farm implements, sea shells, driftwood, vintage ceramics, old dolls, broken lamps, costume jewelry, religious statues, plastic dinosaurs, and a million other treasures.

You can tour the inside of the house if you visit during the open studios in April and May.