Do you ever want to have an action figure of yourself? Movie stars, contest winners, and those who might be satisfied with a novelty gift are some of the lucky people. The Power Ranger, Ghostbuster, G.I. Joe, and Star Wars figures will be fully posable, licensed, and highly detailed thanks to a partnership with Formlabs.

The faces look fantastic.
GIF by Sean Hollister / The Verge

It is limited to the US and there are no plans to expand at the moment.

A pair of custom Ghostbusters figures.
Image: Hasbro

The process for fans to get a custom action figure is simple, they just need to download the app, log into their account, and then wait for their figure to arrive at their house. When the service arrives this fall, each figure will cost $59.99.

You can make a Red Ranger or a Pink Ranger; hopefully the other colors will materialize by launch.
Image: Hasbro

Most of the figures you can make are obvious choices, like the G.I. Joe Snake Eyes helmet and Black Panther and Black Widow. If you want to take on Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia, you can do it with the help of the company.

You can’t fool us with those generic “Rebel Princess” and “Mandalorian Warrior” titles, Hasbro! We know them well.
Screenshot by Sean Hollister / The Verge

There are two photos of how the heads are made. They appear to be printed in two separate pieces, before being painted and finished somewhere else. 3D printing isn't enough. There is a video on the top of this post.

A bank of Formlabs printers creating heads for the figures.
Image: Formlabs
Don’t worry, those horrifying faceless strands underneath the hair are just support material that gets cut away after printing.
Image: Formlabs

If you are interested, you should be able to sign up this fall. Some fans who attend San Diego Comic-Con will be the first to get their figures, but they won't ship until the fall.