The world has been waiting for the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope.

The images are a huge upgrade over the Hubble Space Telescope.

Hubble Gum

When Hubble was launched in 1990, it proved to be a revolutionary tool in the field of astronomy, offering us rare glimpse of some of the oldest galaxies and stars known to us.

Despite some technological setbacks, the Hubble is still alive and well.

Science and tech have improved a lot since then. NASA shared images this week that show dying stars, star nurseries, and merging galaxies in stunning detail.

The image of SMACS-0723 has already proven to be the deepest and most accurate image of the distant universe to date, and the team is only getting started.

That kind of fidelity will prove to be a boon for researchers, giving them access to a treasure trove of data that will more than likely prove to be a gift that will keep on giving.

The horror story about the telescope will chill your bones.