More than 200,000 Covid deaths have been recorded in the UK.

There have been over 200,000 Covid deaths in the last year. There were deaths caused by Covid-19 and the virus.

More than 100,000 deaths had been recorded in the UK by the beginning of January 2021. It has taken more than a year and a half for the death toll to double due to better understanding of how to treat the virus and social distancing measures.

One of the highest death tolls in Europe is found in the UK. According to Our World In Data, Spain has a rate of 2,326 deaths per million people, France has 2,226, and Germany has 1,691 deaths per million people.

According to Our World in Data, the excess mortality rate in the UK is more than double that in Germany.

Over the course of the Pandemic, the proportion of people dying because of Covid has fallen compared to people whose death certificates mention the virus as the main cause.

Of the people who died in the first wave of the Pandemic in England and Wales, almost all of them were killed by Covid.

As a result of the success of the vaccine and the reduced severity of the strain, the number of Covid deaths has fallen to less than half of what they were before Omicron.

The Covid dashboard uses registration data and the government's preferred count of deaths within 28 days of a positive test, but the 200,247 figure is slightly different.