There was a picture of Jupiter hidden in a document about telescope testing on top of the first high-resolution science images.

Space 12 July 2022

There is a person by the name ofLeah Crane.


Jupiter and three of it's moons were imaged by the space telescope.

There is a space telescope science institute.

The first images of Jupiter were released by the observatory team as part of a flurry of new images from NASA. The pictures were taken while the scientific instruments were being tested to see the planet and its moons. The Great Red Spot can be seen just to the left of the shadow of Jupiter's moon.

Two different filters were used to focus on different parts of the light spectrum. The science instruments were put through a series of tests before they could start taking data.

Taking pictures of Jupiter was part of a test to make sure the observatory could keep up with objects moving through the solar system. It showed that objects can be tracked even with a bright planet bouncing light into the cameras. The tests showed that the JWST is even better at tracking fast- moving objects, which will be useful for studying comets, near- Earth asteroids and even interstellar objects.

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There are more on this topic.

  • Jupiter
  • James Webb space telescope