There is a person by the name ofLeah Crane.
The image was taken by a telescope.
NASA, CSA, and CSA are part of the space program.
The first set of full-resolution science images were released on July 12th. An analysis of the composition of an exoplanet named WASP-96b was part of the set.
Everything you need to know about the telescope that took these pictures is here.
These images are special. We didn't have the Hubble Space Telescope before.
Hubble produces beautiful images of space. The pictures ofJWST are more detailed. It is able to see things that Hubble can't because it observes in different wavelength.
The edge of the observable universe will be seen by the JWST. The age of the universe is thought to be about 13 billion years old.
Between 100 and 250 million years have passed since the big bang. It is much farther away than that because of the expansion of the universe.
JWST will study black holes. Is it possible to create an image like the one from the event horizon telescope?
It is not possible to make an image of a black hole like the event horizon telescope did, but it will look at them. The picture of Stephan's quintet that was just released provides some interesting information.
The deepest and highest-resolution image of the universe has ever been captured by a space telescope.
Is it possible for a strong lens to be able to see yourself? Light does a U-Turn.
Absolutely! A photon sphere is a feature of a black hole, where gravity pulls light into the hole. If you aim a light at the photon sphere, you could see the light coming from the other side of the black hole.
Is it possible to make a telescope that can see further than the beginning of time?
I would love to. Up until 380,000 years after the big bang, the universe was completely filled with hot plasma and was therefore opaque.
Is it possible to see further back than 380,000 years after the big bang?
This is a question that I really like. Due to the motion of mass, there weren't any structures large enough to create waves until after the big bang.
The first set of science data from JWST consists of clear images of the Eight-Burst Nebula, Stephan's Quintet, and WASP-96b.
Is it possible that scientists will revise the accepted age of the universe to be much older than 13 billion years?
It is possible that the data from JWST will cause us to revise the age of the universe, but it is more likely that it will go down than up.
There was nothing unexpected about the spectrum of the galaxy.
There was nothing shocking in the data that came down so far. All of the systems are well studied, but now we have more detail than ever before. We are new, but I don't think that's a big deal.
Wasp-96 b was chosen as the first exoplanet to be analysed. What made it different?
Some evidence of clouds and haze can be seen in the new spectrum, but it is not significant. The starlight can shine right through the atmosphere and we can analyse without being blocked by clouds.
Astronomers will have to decide what to take a picture of.
The first year of science has been mapped out. More than 1000 proposals for what to observe were made by researchers. More about what was selected can be found here.
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