According to research published Tuesday in the Journal of Virology, a flu infection could help protect against Covid, as experts warn more people are likely to catch both as restrictions are lifted.
The study found that Influenza A could suppress the spread of the disease.
Peer reviewed research shows that the ability of the Covid-19 to replicate is hampered by the interference of the Influenza A viruses.
The researchers found that the suppression of a subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection was due to the suppression of the main flu strain, Influenza A.
The researchers don't know if this changed the course of the disease or the severity of it.
The researchers found that a Covid infection didn't change the trajectory or severity of the flu.
The researchers said it is likely that more people will be exposed to both viruses at the same time. Benjamin tenOever, a professor of microbiology at New York University, Langone Health, said that this was common early on in the Pandemic before masks and social separation were put in place. According to tenOever, the results suggest that there is no threat to humanity from co-infection with the two viruses.
There is a reason why flu A suppresses the coronaviruses. According to the researchers, their findings point to something about the flu virus or what it does to the body that can prevent it from growing. More research is needed to figure out how this works and whether it applies to people and other virus strains.
During the first two winters of the Pandemic, seasonal flu disappeared. It may rebound this year as restrictions are loosened. Covid-19 was compared to the flu in order to downplay the seriousness of the coronaviruses. Flu kills up to 650,000 people a year in a seasonal form and is responsible for three Pandemics in the 20th century alone, one of which killed 50 million people. Flu and Covid are respiratory illnesses that can affect the same parts of the body, so officials and experts fear that dual infections could be cause for concern. One study shows that people with both flu and Covid face double the risk of death and are more likely to need a ventilator than people with only coronaviruses.
'Flurona' is just someone with Covid-19 and the flu.
The double-whammy cobra flu has been reported.
A study shows covid-19 patients are more likely to die from the flu.
Live updates on the coronaviruses.