It is easy to forget that the Starlink project has been moving quickly. In the past six months, the service has launched a new service for vehicles and a new premium tier. A spectrum fight is bubbling in the background. The dream of a low-orbit internet is only getting closer with the launch of new satellites.

That doesn't mean the service is fulfilling its promises. Problems with reliability were found if you are near trees. Many of the big reliability issues have yet to be solved, despite a recent review that was a little better. Astronomers are not happy about the impact on observations, but that hasn't slowed down any satellite launches.

Regardless of your beliefs, there is something significant happening here. It's not just Starlink but also projects like OneWeb or Amazon's Project Kuiper, which provide internet connections through low Earth satellites. It would change a lot of facts about internet infrastructure if any of those projects were to work.

You have to watch the video to understand why that is different from the internet.