Image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s first deep field image.
Enlarge / Image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s first deep field image.

More than three decades have passed since NASA last built a telescope and commissioned it in space, so there has been a lot of attention paid to the James Webb Space Telescope.

The primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope wasn't polished correctly. The black-and-white result was disappointing.

One can't say the same thing about the first image revealed by the US President and Vice President. Harris said that the telescope is a great engineering achievement.

She was absolutely correct. The image shows the deepest and clearest view of the distant universe to date, and shows how huge the universe is. The area depicted in this image is larger than a grain of sand held at arm's length by a person standing on the surface of Earth. There is a small patch of the universe.

A new photo shows a huge group of galaxies. More distant objects in the background are magnified due to the supercluster.


Astronomers can get important information about the structure of these galaxies from this image alone. The image that was shared Monday evening was a mixture of different images taken in a single day.

The Hubble Space Telescope has the best deep field image of the universe. NASA released an ultra deep field image after combining decades' worth of photographs taken by Hubble. One tenth of the brightness of the human eye can be seen in the picture.

The Hubble ultra deep field image released in 2009.
Enlarge / The Hubble ultra deep field image released in 2009.

The universe was about 13 billion years old when the Hubble image was taken, but it was only about 12 billion years ago when most galaxies were small and violent. The earliest galaxies that formed in the universe should be able to be seen further.

Four more images will be released by NASA on Tuesday. The study of the atmosphere of a nearby exoplanet is expected to be a highlight.