orange image of deep space from the infrared james webb space telescope with galaxies and black stars with long orange rays
An image from an engineering test of the James Webb Space Telescope, in mid-May 2022, offers a low-quality preview of images to come.NASA, CSA, and FGS team

The first full-color images from NASA's newest telescope will be dropped soon.

Since it was launched in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has been NASA's most powerful space observatory. The first 400 million years after the Big bang, there was a gap in the historical record of our universe, which is expected to be filled with the help of the JWST.

It took more than two decades and $10 billion for the observatory to be built and launched.

NASA is going to show the world what it can do with its new eye in the sky. The time is at 5 pm. The first full-color image from JWST will be revealed by the president.

The announcement will be broadcast from the White House. There is an hour and a half later. The video can be watched in the embedded version.

There will be more images on Tuesday. NASA plans to release a bunch of full-color images from the telescope at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday. The show is also on NASA TV.

The images from the new telescope will be discussed by NASA and the European Space Agency at noon on Tuesday.

The first image of the telescope will be released on Monday night. The first images will be revealed this week.

  • The Carina Nebula is located in the southern constellation Carina and is one of the largest and most brilliant in the sky. Stars are formed in stellar nurseries. Many massive stars are found in the Carina Nebula, which is larger than the sun.

  • A planetary nebula is a cloud of gas around a dying star. It is less than half a light-year in diameter and is far away from Earth.

  • Stephan's Quintet is situated in the constellation Pegasus. The first compact galaxy group was found in 1877. There are four of the five galaxies locked in a dance.

  • SMACS-0723 allows a deep field view into both the extremely distant and faint galaxy populations.

Data from the giant gas planet WASP-96 b will be released by NASA. Half the mass of Jupiter can be found on the planet, which is 1,150 light-years away. The data will show how JWST can analyze the entire spectrum of light emitted by an object.

Figuring out what's in the atmosphere of planets around other stars is an important part of finding alien life.

Business Insider has an article on it.