The best answer is that Amazon's devices with Special Offers are products that feature targeted lock screen ads, but come at a reduced price to the consumer.
Let's take a moment to explain what Ad-Supported devices are and what special offers they are. The concept of devices with special offers was introduced by Amazon before the Fire tablets.
Amazon has always offered relatively low-cost hardware, particularly during major shopping events like Black Friday or Prime Day, but it pitched the Special offers as a way to offset those expenditures further. Ad-supported devices have lock screen/screen saver ads personalized to you based on your shopping preferences and browsing habits.
If you want to save money, you should order an Ad-Supported Amazon device, such as one of the best Kindles or one of the best Fire tablets, and not use the lock screen ads. Even on an inexpensive device, that is not insignificant.
Amazon doesn't make money from the sale of its devices but from the hook into its products and services. If the company gets as many devices as possible into the hands of its customers at a low price, they are more likely to order products from the e- commerce giant.
Many people don't like the idea of paying for a device with ads. It's not clear why that's so objectionable, as we regularly pay for ad-supported media. Look at that magazine or your favorite website. Content delivery is supported and subsidized by ads.
The lock screen ads are not that bad. You won't get ads for lentil soup or toilet paper. You're more likely to see ads for a book if you're interested in it.
The media artwork is prominently displayed so that they don't look like ads. Even if you see ads for more traditional, physical products, they are personalized based on your shopping habits and browsing preferences from your Amazon account
Ads have now been removed from the Ad-Supported Kindle home screen and are currently only displayed in sleep mode.
Targeted ads used to be on your device's home screen, but that's not the case anymore. The ads are no longer displayed on the home screen of the device when it is in sleep mode. The home screen now only shows recommended books, which are based on books you already own.
What's the best part? You can pay to remove the ads even if you don't like the device. You don't pay more over the initial difference if you choose the Ad-Supported version. If you don't know if the ads will bother you, then you should try this method. You may be able to save a bit of money.
Even if you can afford to get the devices without ad support, you shouldn't. I've owned many tablets but only one that wasn't ad-supported. I didn't notice anything. The lock screen ads were a way to save money on each device, and that's why I didn't care about them.
The ads were both accurate at guessing what I might be interested in and non-offensive. They are not bad to look at when my device is locked.