A California doctor wants to open a floating abortion clinic in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico in order to help people in the surrounding states get abortions.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Bay Area-based OB-GYN Dr. Meg Autry urged creativity, such as the creation of a floating abortion clinic

Autry told the AP that they have to create options to help people in restrictive states get health care.

The boat clinic concept is still in its infancy and a nonprofit called protecting reproductive rights of women is trying to raise money to make it a reality.

PRROWESS' legal team believes that the swath of federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico could be a safe harbor for licensed practitioners who could provide abortions to people in nearby states. Florida decided to ban abortion after 15 weeks unless the life of the parent is in danger.

Autry told the AP that it would be easier to get an abortion in one of the aforementioned states than it would be to get one in another state.

She said that this is more convenient for people who live in the south.

The idea is novel and feasible, but it may run into issues with the current Democratic administration because the Biden White House has rejected the idea of using federal lands to provide abortions.

If the federal government lets it happen, this idea to help people in states where abortion is illegal is one for the books.

There is a proposal to open a floating abortion clinic in the gulf.

There's more on abortion, and it's going to be deleted from users' history.