Johnny Depp doesn't like the idea of the jury verdict being set aside because it was excessive. Johnny didn't appear in a single studio production until October of 2020. The lawyers support the $10M verdict. The 6th "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie is being negotiated by one of Johnny's reps for $22.50 million. The producer said he really wanted Johnny before the Op-Ed was written. Johnny was no longer welcome on the production after the Op-Ed. According to Johnny's lawyers, his actual loss was more than 40 million dollars. There's a short story. Johnny's lawyers claim that amber is grasping straws. The story was broken by the gossip website. One of the jurors was alleged to have been empaneled. Her legal team says a man was summoned, but someone with the same name from his household became a juror, and that should lead to a new trial. Johnny's team retaliated. It's difficult for her to not object at the beginning of the trial.