Iceland's fans during the Euro 2022 game with Belgium at Manchester City's Academy Stadium
Iceland fans perform the Viking clap during the Euro 2022 game with Belgium at Manchester City's Academy Stadium

"We are very excited to play in England, on some of the country's most famous stadiums, and I think that this will be a fantastic tournament," said the captain of the team.

When she found out that two of the three group games would be played at the Manchester City Academy Stadium, she became upset.

She thought it was shocking. There are so many stadiums in England, and we have a training ground from City. It's an embarrassment.

The Academy Stadium is home to Manchester City's women's team and is in the same area as the opening game of the 2005 Euros.

A record crowd of over 68,000 watched England defeat Austria in the opening game of the European Women's Championship.

The fans inside the Academy Stadium on a baking Sunday helped create a fine atmosphere as they cheered on their team.

They had failed to register a point in their previous three Euro tournament appearances, but they are now up and running after a hard-earned draw with Belgium.

After flying to Manchester to support "stelpurnar okkar" (our girls), the prime minister said it was great to be at the European Championships.

Iceland's Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir in the fan park before the Euro 2022 match with Belgium
Iceland's Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir (left) in the fan park before the Euro 2022 match with Belgium

Iceland bring Viking clap to Euro 2022

At the men's Euro 2016 in France, the viking clap was a big deal.

Fans raise their hands in the air before a loud clap and chant. The team traveled to France for the Euro 2016 tournament.

The estimated 2,000 Iceland supporters inside the Academy Stadium added to the carnival atmosphere, with the Viking clap heard throughout the game.

Thousands more watched the game live on national television while others packed into a fan park in the capital as the women's game continues to expand on the island.

"My dad and I used to watch English games on TV when I was five years old," said the girl.

It wasn't a thing until 25 years ago.

Many stopped playing when they got older. Nowadays, we have players who are at teams in Europe and the US.

We used to have a lot of gentle sports when I was a kid. For me, as a feminist, it's important that girls have the option to play football.

Women's football is getting a lot more attention.

Before the game, she went to the Manchester fan park to meet supporters and then changed into formal wear.

Hundreds of Iceland fans marched from Manchester city centre to the Academy Stadium
Hundreds of Iceland fans marched from Manchester city centre to the Academy Stadium

'Fans were fantastic'

The use of the Academy Stadium was defended by the Euro 2022, who argued that it was better to play games in front of sell-out crowds than in large stadiums.

The Academy Stadium was filled with a sea of colour and noise.

The players struggled to hear each other because of the noise.

There wasn't a spare seat in the ground as the total attendance for the tournament was more than 140,000.

The coach said the fans were fantastic. A lot of people were singing and cheering.

You feel more connected to the fans by hearing everything. This is a small ground and it's loud.

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