A central pillar of US police accountability activism is the use of mobile devices. It brought national attention to the death of George Floyd and was crucial to the conviction of the murderer.

Beginning in September, a new law in Arizona will prohibit the filming of police officers from more than 8 feet away.

House Bill 2319 states that it will be illegal for people to record police officers from less than eight feet away after a verbal warning. Law enforcement activities are defined by the bill as arrests, questioning, and handling emotionally disturbed people.

There are exceptions to the law for people in vehicles and structures on private property. They are allowed to film as long as they don't get arrested. A person who is in a car stopped by the police is able to record the interaction. Unless an officer decides that the area is unsafe for civilians or that they're interfering with law enforcement activity.

There is a minimum of 30 days in jail for those found to be in violation of the law. The Arizona Mirror said that the bill made it illegal to record within 15 feet before it was changed to reflect the Supreme Court ruling.

The bill's sponsor believes it will keep officers safe. In an interview with Arizona PBS, Kavanagh said that nobody walks up to a cop when he is questioning a suspicious person or arresting someone. You're asking for trouble, according to common sense.

According to the Phoenix New Times, the biggest danger to Arizona cops in the past year was carbon-19.

The bill is unconstitutional, vague and gives policedisproportionate discretion to enforce. They think that having laws like this will make it harder for people to hold the police accountable.

"Members of the public have a first amendment right to video police in public places and what this tries to do is discourage people from doing that," constitutional attorney Dan Barr said. The new bill is redundant because there are already laws about police interference in the state.

Several associations and media outlets signed a letter urging the governor to veto the bill. The Associated Press, The New York Times, and the Society of Professional Journalists signed the letter.

"We are extremely concerned that this language violates not only the free speech and press clauses of the First Amendment, but also runs counter to the clearly established right to photograph and record police officers performing their official duties in a public place."