Don't let it get to you.

People who add salt to their food after it's already been cooked are more likely to die early. More than half a million people in the UK were asked if they added salt to their food. Scientists documented 18,474 premature deaths over the course of nine years.

The more salt you add to your food, the more likely you are to die early. People who break out the shaker had a higher risk of premature death.

"To my knowledge, our study is the first to assess the relation between adding salt to foods and premature death," said Professor Lu Qi. Adding less or no salt to food is likely to result in significant health benefits.

There's some good news if you like salty food. The dangers of high salt intake can be mitigated by eating fruits and vegetables. According to the release, fruits and veggies have protective benefits that can reduce the chance of premature death.

It's possible that the saltiest among us will find a solution if more study is done to understand our food habits and how they affect our bodies.

People are stockingpiling abortion pills and emergency contraceptives after the law was changed.