Is this article making you annoyed? I can only say I'm sorry. Is it possible that you haven't eaten breakfast or lunch? That could explain it. You're not a peevish person. You'repeckish.

Last week it was confirmed that being "hangry", meaning angry because you're hungry, is a real medical phenomenon. It's a point at the newspaper-in-vindication thing.

A new study was started after a professor at a university was told he was depressed by his wife. She would suggest that he eat something. The professor wondered if being hangry was a real condition and started a study on how hunger affects emotions. The researchers found that hungrier people became more aggressive. The correct academic response is: "Well, duh."

Five times a day for three weeks, volunteers were recruited to record their emotions and hunger levels on a phone app. It sounds like hard work that makes you hungry. According to psychologists, hunger was associated with higher levels of pleasure and Irritability. Being hangry is actually a real thing according to Swami. Someone who had just eaten or his tone would be noticeably different.

This might be the first study to get out of the lab and look at peoples day-to-day lives, but statistics have long pointed towardshanger. Road rage incidents are more frequent during the holy month of Ramadan.

angry man at the table

Feeling famished, we find it tricky to focus on anything other than food. Photograph: lolostock/Alamy

It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in the year 2018). Irritated and hungry, that's what it's called. For hungry and hormonal reasons. After a night on the booze, there is a need for food.

He doesn't propose radical solutions, but he does think that being able to recognize the feeling can help. Effective labelling is what it is. We can head off negative effects when we hear our stomach rumble. "Have a biscuit and shut up". This is about management. There is a chip on your shoulder. Grab some chips.

We are more in touch with our feelings now. Someone who was short-tempered would no longer be considered a grumpy git. In the touchy-feely 21st century, we can tilt our heads and think about why we are angry. I wanted to know when I last ate. Have a bite if your bark gets worse.

New parents go through a mental checklist with a crying baby. Do they have food or water? Are you tired or bored. Is it too warm or cold? Do they need to change their diaper? If you apply those criteria to your own grown up self, you could do worse. I will leave it up to you to decide.

Why can we not eat? Low blood sugar can affect our decision-making ability, according to some theories. We are paralyzed by the choice.

The brain needs vitamins and minerals to function well. We find it hard to focus on other things when we are famished. When Winnie the Pooh was greedy, he imagined that the trees in the woods were honey pots. For an even more highbrow reference point, the first Minions movie, when Stuart's hunger caused his shipmates to become bananas?

The study shows that hungry children are less likely to learn and are more likely to have behavioral problems. If we want to raise a well-educated generation, we need to make sure our children are fed properly. We need politicians to guarantee free school meals instead of relying on Marcus. When we have the munchies, our moods go down. Don't look in the mirror. You should have a sandwich and feel good.