When would Senator Graham be subpoenaed? I didn't know it was by the Georgia investigation. He made a number of calls to the GA election official regarding the status of mail-in ballots.

I understand that the senator is within his parameters, but I don't think so. Georgia does not have a senator named Graham. South Carolina is represented by him. I've voted for him before. He didn't have to make those calls at the request of the loser.

Our senator went too far when he became the former president's lackey. John McCain didn't advise this.

Betsy Russell lives in Columbia.

Fraught education race

Ellen Weaver did not have a master's degree when she registered to run for school board, so I question her legal qualifications to be on the ballot.

I don't believe that a citizen and resident of Lexington County would be allowed to register to run for public office in Richland County on the basis of a statement that she would move and become a resident in the county before the election.

It may become an issue for the courts to decide.

Edward L. Grimsley lives in Columbia.

Take fight to polls

The day America's highest court stripped women of the right to have control over their bodies is etched in history.

People are angry about the ruling, but we can't let them get away with it. Judicial misguidance and legislative incompetence need to be fought.

We marched to show our disapproval of the ruling and the legislation that will penalize women and doctors.

We need to go to the polls.

The fight at the polls must be won in order for the fight in Congress and the courts to continue. Replacing our current elected officials with those who respect women and women's rights can only be accomplished by getting out the voters who support the right of women to have control of their bodies. We need to remove the policymakers who are willing to allow the loss of women's lives.

Everyone who understands this should fight with us. We can't stop just because we're tired. It is the right thing to do.

Lady June Cole is a doctor.

Hollywood and violence

There is a bigger problem than guns in the USA.

Mass murder TV, movies and video games are produced by Hollywood. Every day, machine gun mass murder is on almost all channels.

American Hollywood media is very different from British television. Bomb them is the main thing to do. There are a lot of mass killing in the movies.

American youths are watching this. Video games aren't any better. America has become a country that murders people.

Ultra-violence needs to be reined in in order to make money. We and our children are being killed by abuse of first amendment rights.

Gary Ling lives in Charleston.