According to a survey by Consumer Reports, charging logistics is the main barrier to electric car adoption in the US.

The survey respondents who said they were not completely sold on buying an electric car said that the EV charging availability would prevent them from buying or leasing an electric car.

It was released on Thursday. The cost of buying an electric car is one of the major barriers, according to respondents. The Americans were less concerned with how the car would perform in cold weather or how to fix it.

Increasing charging infrastructure is a priority for the president. The Biden Administration proposed a $7.5 billion investment in a national network of EV charging stations. There are too many charging stations in the US. There are over 56,000 public EV charging stations in the US.

It's not the first time Consumer Reports has identified charging and driving range as deterrents for US drivers. One in five EV owners in California went back to gas because of the hassle of charging.

Drivers of electric cars have concerns. In June, a reporter from The Wall Street Journal took an electric car on a 2,000 mile road trip and found that charging availability, as well as the speed of EVchargers, added hours to her trip.

A survey done by Consumer Reports gauged consumer interest in buying an electric car. When the average gas price was less than $4 per gallon, the poll took place.

More than 70% of Americans would consider buying an electric car, but only a small portion of respondents said they would definitely buy or lease an electric car.

Quinta Warren, the organization's associate director of sustainable policy, said in a press release that there is clear interest among Americans in reducing costs for transportation. Many of the barriers to owning a battery-electric vehicle EV can be addressed through experience and education.

The interest in buying electric cars was on the rise because of the high gas prices. Fuel prices have gone up as much as a national average.

According to a report in June, a growing number of drivers for the ride-sharing service are making the switch to electric cars. A driver for the ride-sharing service told the publication that she switched her car to a Model 3 and saved money.

Warren said that electric vehicles are less expensive to own than traditional cars. A higher purchase price for a gasoline-powered vehicle is not considered.