Greetings, friends. Week in Review recaps the most read stories from the last seven days. If you had a busy week, you should still have a good idea of what happened in technology. Do you want to be the first to know about it? If you sign up, you'll get notifications.

I would like to thank Henry Pickavet for putting together wiR while I was away. I wish I could say it was a great time off, but I was traveling with a back injury and my 3-year-old. I had a great time, but I'm happy to be home and writing again.

The most read story this week was about Musk having twins with a top executive. Musk said he was doing his best to help the population problem. The biggest threat to civilization is a collapsing birth rate.


other stuff:

An illustration of a white hand on a blue rounded-corner square on a background with iPhones.

The image is from TechCrunch.

According to a statement from Musk's legal team, they intend to stop the deal due to false and misleading representations made by Musk. The board is committed to closing the transaction on the price and terms agreed upon with Mr. Musk, and plans to pursue legal action to enforce the merger agreement. This is going to be a lot of work.

Glance is headed to the U.S., a company that puts tailored content/ games on a phone's lock screen. According to a scoop from our own Manish Singh, the company is preparing for a US launch within the next two months.

When Mark Gurman says something is coming, we pay attention. According to Gurman, Apple is building a beefed out version of its Apple Watch for extreme sports athletes, one with a bigger display for easier reading, and a tougher design so you won't worry about dents.

The more features your phone has, the more likely it is to be hacked. With that in mind, Apple this week announced "Lockdown Mode," a setting coming to iOS/iPadOS/macOS that lets you instantly disabling a number of features.

Vauld said early this week that it is suspending all withdrawals, trading and deposits as it explores possibilities of restructuring. In the last few weeks alone, customers have withdrawn over $197 million from the platform.

The former Theranos COO was found guilty this week after a 3-month trial. For anyone who hasn't been following the case, an excellent, succinct overview of the case has been put together byAmanda.

When I grow up, I want to be like Marques Brownlee. He is a wildly popular tech YouTuber, an increasingly popular TikToker, and a professional frisbee player. They talked about everything from evolving the long-form content he's known for with the pacing of TikTok in mind, his thoughts on the metaverse and the tech he thinks isn't getting enough attention

audio stuff:

There's a lot of it! We have the ones you like.

Over the last few days, Darrell and the Found team talked with a number of people, including the founder of the company.

You can find a lot more in our weekly show.

added stuff:

Do you want more? We will be going a bit deeper on the topics our subscribers tell us they care about over at the aptly named TechCrunch+. This week, there are some good things.

The thing that makes your pitch deck useless is that you've brushed off your keynote skills, you're excited that you're finally going to be able to pay yourself a living wage, and you're excited to start pitching your startup's next round of funding to your investors It is heady times but you may be forgetting something.

The last post covered the slide, and he thinks it is useless.

Alex spends more time thinking about startup economics than just about anyone I know, so when he opens a post with something like "I don't know what is going on in the startup market and it's not clear."