Both love and thunder.
Despite being in the bottom five of the worst reviewed movies in the MCU, the audience scores have come in and they are higher than expected.
The audience score is an 83%, 16% higher than the critics score, and similar to what we just saw with Doctor in the Multiverse of Madness, which had its critics score go up to an 85% audience score.
The disparity between the scores of the critic and audience seems to be widening. Eternals had a rotten score of 45%, but audiences scored it a 78%, which is the biggest gap to date.
The audience score of 83% ties it for the third worst movie in the MCU, but it is still better than the other two movies. It's still in the bottom half, but not third.
Both love and thunder.
There is a problem. Critics complain that there are too many jokes against the plot, but the jokes seem to be appreciated more by the audience. Most of my non-critic friends seem to like the movie a lot. I won't be able to see it until Monday, but I'll have my own thoughts then. I give Taika Waititi a lot of latitude to do what he wants.
One of the best opening weekend box office performances of the MCU so far has been put up by THOR: LOVE AND THUD. If the next time the Avenger assembles, it will be Jane Foster who answers the call instead, so we don't know where Thor goes from here and when. That is the idea, but it is probably not going to happen until phase 5 is over.
Movie critics are starting to see scores slide in non-Spider-Man fare this phase, and I think they are starting to get tired of the Marvel formula. We will watch the next few films.
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