According to local media reports, Abe collapsed while giving a speech in the city of Nara, one hour from Kyoto.

NHK reported that Abe fell to the ground bleeding at 11:30 a.m. The NHK reporter heard a gunshot while Abe was speaking.

According to the Japanese authorities, the former prime minister had no vital signs after the attack.

NHK shared a video of the scene, which appeared to show a prone Abe surrounded by people.

—NHKニュース (@nhk_news) July 8, 2022

According to the Nara City fire department, Abe was flown to a hospital in Nara prefecture. As part of a series of speeches to stump for Liberal Democratic Party candidates, Abe spoke near the Yamato-Saidaiji Station.

The Nara prefectural police arrested a man on suspicion of trying to kill someone. The people were at the scene. Japan is a country

Prior to the incident, Abe was heavily involved in campaigning for candidates and was seen making speeches and meeting crowds of people. A large group of his supporters showed up to hear him speak.

—安倍晋三 (@AbeShinzo) July 7, 2022

Before the incident occurred, Abe was supposed to travel to the nearby city of Kyoto to speak at a street campaign event.

The Nara prefectural police and the press office of the Japanese Prime Minister did not respond to a request for comment.

From 2006 to 2007, Abe was the longest serving prime minister in Japan. He stepped down in 2020 due to health issues.

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