Trevor Fehrman, Brian O’Halloran, Rosario Dawson, and Jeff Anderson

Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse, the cinematic universe he's been returning to intermittently over the last 30 years, is, once again, expanding. Smith is coming back to his Jersey roots and opening a new Quick Stop. Yes, Snoochie Boochies.

Dante and Randall are still working at the Quick Stop in Clerks III. Time has been cruel to our boys and RST Video now sells weed over the counter. They still serve jerks that don't like them. When Randall collapses at work and realises he has been wasting his life, he makes a movie. The trailer shows how Kevin Smith got Ben Affleck back in one of these things.

There is a wacky roll-out in place of a full U.S. release. The movie will play in more than 700 movie theaters in the U.S. on September 13 and September 15. Smith did a tour for Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and Red State.

Smith is hosting a live event with three other people on the social media platform. If you want to see Smith make a few self-deprecating jokes about his career, you can jump over to his personal account.

Smith will return to the View Askewniverse with Clerks III, a title that feels like it is missing a word. It has been a long time since we saw a proper clerk. The sequel to Smith's first film saw the clerks get a job at a fast food restaurant. It would be easy to draw a line from the food at Mooby's to Randall's heart attack, but we won't make any conclusions until the film is out.