Musk said he is trying to head off a population crisis.

He said that a collapsing birth rate was the biggest danger.

Insider reported yesterday that Musk had previously unknown twins with a Neuralink executive. Musk now has nine kids.

—Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 7, 2022

Neuralink, which Musk co-founded and serves as a co-CEO of, is working on brain- computer interface. There is a director of operations there.

Musk has been concerned about the decline in birth rates for a long time. The world's population is collapsing but few seem to notice. The CEO of the company said last year that population collapse could be the greatest risk to civilization. Some experts are in agreement while others are not.

Plans to colonize Mars may be affected by population decline on Earth. He said in January that there wouldn't be enough people for Mars if there weren't enough people for Earth. Musk wants to land people on Mars before the end of the decade.

Musk said that they are sadly true.