Addresses and businesses can be found in the maps. Sometimes you will find the missing location.

You have the ability to add the location of your choice. It may take some time for the location to be added, since it might need to be reviewed before being added to the map.

Whether you use the desktop version or the mobile app, here's how to add a location.

How to add a location in Google Maps

You can fill in missing locations with the help of the maps on the internet.

On a desktop

This is the first thing. You can go to maps on the internet.

There are two The search bar is located in the top- left corner of the screen.

You can add a missing place by clicking on the three vertical bars at the top of the page. The address field is required when doing it this way.

There are three. Click to add a missing place.

Screenshot of Google Maps with the “Add a missing place” button highlighted.
Once you find a location that is missing an entry on Google Maps, you can click "Add a missing place."
Kyle Wilson/Insider

There are four. You can add the location name, address, and category in the pop-up window. You can pick from over a dozen categories.

These are included.

  • Food & drink
  • Shopping
  • Services
  • Hotels & lodging
  • Outdoors & recreation
  • Religion
  • Office & industrial
  • Residential
  • Education
Screenshot of Google Maps “Add a missing place” screen.
Enter in as much information about the location as you can.
Kyle Wilson/Insider

There are five. You can click submit.

On an Android

There's a way to add a location to your phone.

This is the first thing. Go to the internet and open the maps app.

There are two To find the address, look for it.

Dropping a pin to the same effect is possible if you long press on the location.

There are three. You can add a missing place by tapping.

Screenshot of the Google Maps Android app with the “Add a missing place” button highlighted.
Tap "Add a missing place."
Kyle Wilson/Insider

There are four. The location name, address, and category are needed.

There are five. The button to submit is on the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of the “Add a missing place” screen with the Submit button highlighted.
Tap Submit.
Kyle Wilson/Insider

On an iPhone

Here are the steps you need to take to add a location to your phone's maps.

This is the first thing. Go to the internet and open the maps app.

There are two If you want to drop a pin, you can either search for the location in the search bar or long press on it.

There are three. The info bar at the bottom of the screen can be opened with a tap.

Screenshot of the Google Maps iOS app minimized location menu.
When you search for a location, a small menu with the address will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap it.
Kyle Wilson/Insider

There are four. There is a missing place at the bottom of the information page.

Screenshot of the Google Maps iOS app with the “Add a missing place” button highlighted.
Tap "Add a missing place."
Kyle Wilson/Insider

There are five. The name, address, and category of the location should be added.

There are six. The button is in the bottom right corner of the screen.