Good news, finally!

After escaping Earth's path, CAPSTONE plunged into radio silence on Tuesday, but NASA was able to reestablish communications.

Advanced Space, a spaceflight company that collaborated with NASA on the development of the craft, says on its website that it has re-established communications with Capstone. The craft is looking good.

In a short statement, NASA confirmed the news. It was an excellent update, with crews working around the clock to reestablish contact, and was met with a lot of celebration online.

Re-Establishing Contact

NASA said on Tuesday that it had encountered communication issues while in contact with the Deep Space Network.

The goal of the CAPSTONE mission is to test out a new elliptical, cislunar circle.

It's not clear how the team was able to reestablish communications, or why communications were lost in the first place. We are likely to hear more soon from Advanced Space.

NASA still has no contact with spacecraft on their way to the moon.