The anti-hangover supplement is available in the UK. Myrkl claims that it is the pre-drinking pill that works.

After 60 minutes, the pill can break down up to 70% of alcohol. If a person drinks 50 liters of 40 percent spirits, which contains 20 liters of pure alcohol, as little as 6 liters will enter their bloodstream. The person only drinks 15ml of spirits.

The reduction in the amount of alcohol absorbed by the body is mirrored by a reduction in the short term effects of alcohol.

Two pills should be taken one to 12 hours before consuming alcohol.

Two gut-friendlybacteria are produced from rice Bran. Alcohol is broken down into water and carbon dioxide by thesebacteria.

The acid-resistant capsule protects the stomach's natural acids from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

What the science says

The pill is for people who don't want a bad reaction to alcohol. Can these pills prevent a bad night of partying?

Dehydrating effects of alcohol can cause a headaches. The effects of alcohol on the stomach can be severe.

The risks of dehydration are reduced if less alcohol is taken into the body. Since alcohol has an effect on the stomach, the pills won't stop it.

The evidence for Myrkl is based on one study. Twenty-four healthy young white adults were told to take two Myrkl pills or a placebo for seven days.

Based on their weight, they were given a small amount of alcohol. They had their blood alcohol level tested.

The amount of alcohol in the blood was 70 percent lower in those who received Myrkl compared with the placebo.

Several problems make the results weaker, even though the study was well designed. The researchers only reported the results from 14 of the 24 people.

The study's accuracy is affected by the results of different people. The researchers tested seven days of treatment before a single drink of alcohol, but the company only recommends two pills.

There are a lot of unanswered questions left in the study. Does the pill work in people who aren't white? Does it work in people with chronic diseases? There are differing effects of the pill on men and women. When food and alcohol are combined, what happens? Is the action of the pills changed by medication?

Smoking, alcohol consumption, and diet are some of the things that can change friendly gutbacteria. It is known that alcohol is absorbed differently by different groups of people.

The friendlybacteria in the Myrkl pills can be reduced or increased.

There's a lot of kefir and it's safe and easy to find. They can be found in supermarkets and health food stores. Most people are likely to be unaffected by the Myrkl pills.

People with illnesses can have an upset natural balance of healthy gutbacteria.

Some people would benefit from a pill that would prevent them from drinking alcohol the night before. The best cure for a sore head is to not drink alcohol the day before.

There is an associate professor at the University ofPlymouth.

Under a Creative Commons license, this article is re-posted. The original article is worth a read.