2K Sports
Michael Jordan has been on the cover of NBA 2K four times.
The NBA 2K23 Michael Jordan Edition and the NBA 2K23 Championship Edition will feature the Hall of Fame player.
NBA 2K @NBA2KNo other way to do it for 2️⃣3️⃣
Introducing our #NBA2K23 Cover Athlete Michael Jordan
🏀Michael Jordan Edition🏆Championship EditionPre-order starting 7/7 pic.twitter.com/WwVTynbK2x
The Championship Edition of NBA 2K23 will include a subscription to NBA League Pass, as well as other features. League Pass is new to the video game.
After making 23 the most recognizable number in sports, it was only fitting that for NBA 2K23 we introduce the Michael Jordan Edition. There is a brand new premium edition of the game with the NBA 2K23 Championship Edition as no other player embodies the word 'champion' like Jordan.
The Jordan Challenge mode in NBA 2K11 allowed players to relive the greatest moments of Jordan's career. Each of the first 10 challenges will be followed by five additional moments from his college, Team USA and NBA careers.
There will be details on the new moments closer to the release.
The cover of NBA 2K12 and NBA 2K16 had Jordan on it.
Later this week, additional covers will be announced. The price details for NBA 2K23 will be released on July 7.