Both love and thunder.
As we speak, reviews are coming in for the second project between Chris Hemsworth's THOR and Taika Waititi's THOR, called THOR LOVE AND THUD.
This time around, something seems to have missed the mark, and scores are much lower than they have been in the past. I will update this as more come in, but at the moment it has a score of 75% and 57 reviews.
MORE FROM FORBESReview: 'Love And Thunder' Is A 'Thor' LoserBy Scott MendelsonDoctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, which has the same score, made loads of money even though it only had a single score. Here is how it is ranked on the list of the worst scoring movies on the internet.
It's the fourth highest scored movie in the history of the MCU.
The surprise here is not the score, but the fact that a Taika Waititi movie is getting this.
There is a person named THOR.
It is not a bad score, but it is important that you are in the bottom 5 of the movies. It's the second film this year that has hovered around that score, which indicates that critics may be less enamored with the formula. Fan scores should be higher. The audience score for Multiverse of Madness is 85%.
The film treats him like a joke, but it is not funny enough to be worth the sacrifice of his character. I am not going to read a lot of reviews, as I want to form my own opinions about the movie, but I am surprised at the initial reaction.
I think the film will do well at the box office, but we will have to wait and see. As more reviews come in, I will keep a record of the scores.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.