AP Photo/Brittainy Newman
Death, taxes, and Joey Chestnut consuming an outrageous number of hot dogs on July 4th en route to a victory in Brooklyn, New York
Chestnut won the hot dog eating contest for the fifteenth time. He finished 20 ahead of the runner up. He had 40 hot dogs.
Chestnut can claim to be better than Nadal at the tournament.
ESPN @espnJoey Chestnut goes for history today. pic.twitter.com/Vgq5KRrq3z
They were trying to catch Chestnut early. He had a 14-dog lead at the halfway point. The dogs-per-minute ratio was not changing.
The reigning champion slowed down in the second half and that made it impossible to set a new record.
This year's Chestnut's "Crutches Contest" was similar to the "Flu Game" of Michael Jordan.
The women's side was dominated by Miki Sudo. She didn't compete because she was pregnant and she won the pink mustard belt.
In a victory, the 36-year-old consumed 40 hot dogs. Lesco had more hot dogs than anyone else.
SportsCenter @SportsCenterMIKI SUDO WINS HER 8TH CAREER NATHAN'S FAMOUS TITLE EATING 40 HOT DOGS AND BUNS 🏆 pic.twitter.com/3f70kdDrxr
Sudo hit 48.7 hot dogs in 2020, so she might feel underwhelmed. When the hot dog eating contest starts, she will be motivated.