In the first discovery of its kind in more than a century, a giant waterlily has been named.

Scientists at the south-west London garden suspected for decades there could be a third species of giant waterlily and worked with researchers in the native home of the giant waterlily to see if they were correct.

The Santa Cruz de la Sierra Botanic Garden gave a collection of giant waterlily seeds. The plants were grown side-by-side with the other two species. The three plants were different according to the scientists.

The three species in the group are named after Queen Victoria. The results suggest that the new species is related to the old one, and that they differed a million years ago.

In the face of a fast rate of biodiversity loss, describing new species is a task of fundamental importance, and we hope that our multi-disciplinary framework might inspire other researchers who are seeking approaches to rapidly and robust.

Carlos Magdalena said the discovery of the third species was the biggest achievement of his 20-year career at Kew.

Carlos Magdalena said the discovery of the third species was the biggest achievement of his 20-year career at Kew. Photograph: Ines Stuart-Davidson/Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

It is the largest waterlily on the planet with leaves that grow up to three metres in the wild. The lilies have flowers which change from white to pink and spiny petioles which attach the leaf to the stem. The largest plant of the species is found in the water of Llanos de Moxos and is currently held by La Rinconada Gardens.

Specimens of this large aquatic plant have been in the herbarium of the national herbarium of Bolivia for 34 years but it was thought to be one of the other two species.

Victoria boliviana was named in honor of its home in South America. There is a lack of knowledge about giant waterlilies as there are very few original plants from the Victorian era. Giant waterlilies are hard to get from the wild.

Carlos said the discovery was the biggest achievement of his career.

He said he was convinced it was a new species after seeing a picture of it online. We are often able to see the plants weTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,

It was clear to me that this plant didn't fit the description of either of the Victoria species, so it had to be a third. For almost two decades, I have been scrutinising every single picture of wild Victoria waterlilies over the internet, a privilege that a botanist from the 18th, 19th and most of the 20th century didn't have.

Dr Stephan G Beck thought he had found a new species when he collected the specimen in 1988.

Lucy Smith

Scientists have named the plant Victoria boliviana, in honour of its South American home. Photograph: Ines Stuart-Davidson/Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

There were very few scientific collections for Bolivia and many places to study, but he focused his attention on an area in the Llanos de Moxos. I had the chance to collect aquatic plants in the flooded areas of the Yacuma River for a long time and I wanted to see the Reina Victoria which the locals told me about.

It took me a long time to locate this plant. After sailing over two hours up the Yacuma River to find several large leaves and flowers, I collected and preserved them in the NationalHerbarium of Bolivia, which turned out to be a specimen of Victoria boliviana. It was a great find and I will remember it forever.

There is a plant in the waterlily house and at the Princess of Wales. There is only one place in the world where you can see the three species of Victoria at the same time.

Giant waterlilies – the wonder of the Victorian age

The giant plants discovered in the Amazon basin were found in the waterlily house.

Crowds marveled at the huge leaves of the giant waterlily Victoria Amazonica.

The first giant waterlily flower to be presented to Queen Victoria was the subject of a competition. Six of these were successfully sprouted, with some retained and the rest sent to two houses.

The Indigenous people of the Amazon used the plant for food and medicine.