Heard wants the verdict against her thrown out because of shoddy evidence and a fake juror. The actress's lawyers filed new documents this week asking the judge to either set aside the verdict or dismiss the complaint. You have to take your pick. She argued that there wasn't enough evidence to convince a jury that her words had hurt Johnny's career. Johnny's career was already in trouble before she wrote her op-ed, according to her attorneys. It was not proven that she acted with malice because there was little to no evidence that she had ever been abused by him. They insist that the defamatory lines in question were true on their face, as well as harping on the fact that amber never named johnny in the piece. This is also part of the equation. According to her team, one of the jurors who decided her fate may not have actually been summoned to court, and that the court missed it by not properly vetting them. Juror #15 was born in 1945. The would-be imposter is clearly younger than that, and it looks like he or she might have been born in 1970. They would like the court to look into the matter further. It's another reason to start from scratch if it's found that they ended up on the jury. Even though it would cost her a fortune, she is going to carry out her appeal of the case. This seems to be a roundabout way to achieve the same thing. The judge hasn't made a decision on her filing. Ben said that nothing substantive was included in her motion.