More than two dozen crew members are missing after their ship snapped in two during a typhoon in the South China Sea.

Planes and choppers were dispatched to assist in the rescue. According to the AP, at least three people from the crew were saved.

Photos and videos were released by the Hong Kong Government Flying Service showing a man being flown to the rescue helicopter.

A crew member being winched up to a rescue helicopter.
A crew member being winched up to a rescue helicopter.
Hong Kong Government Flying Service via AP)

The survivors said others may have been swept away by the waves before the first helicopter arrived, according to a government statement.

Two fixed-wing aircraft and four choppers were sent to Hong Kong for the rescue effort.

The industrial support ship was located south of Hong Kong.

A ship was caught up in a storm.

The wind speeds were recorded at the ship's location, and the waves were over 30 feet tall.

The storm made its way to China's coastal province of Guangdong.