The two Secret Service sources told CNN that they heard that Donald Trump lunged at the driver of his presidential SUV.
The pair of sources, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, backed up much of Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony on the altercation in the motorcade vehicle known as "the beast" after Trump found out he wouldn't be driven to join his supporters at the Capitol.
It was not clear from the conversations I had that he actually made physical contact. One of the Secret Service sources told CNN that they did not know. Nobody knew why Trump tried to lunge over the seat.
The other source, who said they had spoken directly with Trump's driver from that day, said they didn't hear anything about Trump trying to grab the steering wheel.
The first source said they had heard about the altercation between Trump and the driver.
She gave an account of her conversation with Tony Ornato, the White House deputy chief of staff, under oath.
The head of Mr. Trump's security detail looked a little lost when I saw him. I looked at Tony and he asked if I heard what happened in thebeast. I asked Tony what happened.
Tony told me that Bobby had more information about the off-the-record movement to the Capitol than Mr.Meadows had. The president thought that he and Bobby were going to the Capitol. When Bobby told the president that we weren't able to do it, he had a very angry response.