A passenger raises her feet on another seat.

A photograph of a female traveller resting her feet on the top of the seat in front sparked a mixed reaction online.

Paul shared a photo of the person next to him.

The blonde-haired woman in a pair of heavy brown boots put her feet on the back of the seat in front of her just inches from another passenger's head.

The woman was hiding her face.

The person next to me on my flight. pic.twitter.com/6qw8ZQGSU7

— Paul Stothard (@paul_stothard) June 27, 2022

The woman was called rude and un pleasant by many social media users.

The cabin crew should have addressed it. If you put your feet up on a train seat, the conductor will tell you to take them off. One user said the same thing.

I wouldn't say much with her, but I would say something. Not havingtht at all.

Why did you make her look bad? Everyone should see her for what she is.

There were other people who supported the woman.

There are a lot of conditions that require her legs to be up when flying. There are many conditions that are aided by legs being up in the air.

Why do you think the guy in front of her didn't care? People lay on the floor during long flights, one commented.

The third user said that he didn't see the problem if she wasn't touching the guy in front.

It is not clear if the woman was told to put her feet down.