She ran through the damning weeks of testimony that has illustrated Trump's attempt to hold on to power and his rage. Cheney mentioned that Trump summoned rioters to Washington, D.C., and that Hutchinson claimed that Trump felt that Mike deserved it. The Republicans and elected officials have made themselves hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.

It is definitely true. It is difficult for Republicans to accept. Cheney spoke to a crowd at a site that was associated with traditional Republican values as he explained what it meant to say those words.

The reality that we face as Republicans is that we have to make a decision. Republicans can't be loyal to Donald Trump and to the constitution at the same time.

Cheney said she is a conservative Republican who believes in limited government, low taxes, a strong national defense and that family is the center of Americans' lives. She criticized the Biden administration for its policies that have caused high inflation.

She said she can't ignore the threat posed by Donald Trump and other Republicans.

She quoted Reagan, "No party and no people and no nation can defend and perpetuate a constitutional republic if they accept a leader who goes to war with the rule of law, with the democratic process, or with the peaceful transition of power with the Constitution itself."

Cheney talked about how she saw the world through her children's eyes. She spoke about the need to put people above politics and the need for bipartisanship in a time when Americans are so divided.

One of my Democratic colleagues told me recently that he was looking forward to the day when he and I could agree again. I agree with that sentiment.

She said her youngest son told her on Mother's Day that she was going to work for America. It made her cry, she said. She said she was moved by young Americans approaching her, especially the young women.

"Especially the young women, young women who seem instinctively to understand the peril of this moment for our democracy," Cheney said.

Cheney said that Hutchinson showed bravery and patriotism that will show young girls what it means to love this country. The crowd roared.

All the little girls and young women who are watching tonight, I want to say this to you. The world is not going well for the majority of men.