Anyone in the US who believes they have been exposed to the monkeypox will be offered a vaccine, as officials try to contain the outbreak.
The people are waiting for the vaccine.
Anyone with a confirmed or suspected exposure to monkeypox should get a vaccine, as the new strategy suggests.
People who have had close physical contact with someone diagnosed with monkeypox, people who know their sexual partner was diagnosed, and men who have sex with men who have had multiple sex partners are included.
An additional 240,000 doses of the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine will be provided by HHS in the coming weeks, the agency said.
Jynneos is a vaccine that is safer than the two vaccines used against monkeypox.
Hawaii, Massachusetts, Utah, Illinois, New York, Rhode Island, California, Colorado, Florida and Washington, D.C. will be prioritized over other states due to the limited supplies of monkeypox vaccine.
States can request supplies of ACAM2000, an older vaccine that is believed to protect against monkeypox and is in much greater supply, though it is unsuitable for pregnant and immunocompromised people.
In parts of Central and Western Africa, monkeypox has been a problem for many years. Before this year's outbreak, monkeypox had mostly been ignored by the global community who, before this year, rarely encountered the disease. It can be spread via respiratory droplets produced when people breathe, cough, talk or sneeze, but it is not easy to spread. Symptoms of monkeypox include a rash and a high temperature. Within a month or so, the infections will go away on their own. It can kill and cause serious illness, and it's especially dangerous for children and pregnant people. One of the deadliest diseases to plague humanity and the only human disease to have ever been eradicated is the viruses. Treatments and vaccines are available even if they are not designed for it.
In May, the near-simultaneous emergence of monkeypox in countries where it does not usually occur alarmed experts and public health authorities. The way cases of monkeypox have arisen suggests that it may have been quietly circulating for a while. There have been over 300 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the US as of June 29, with large clusters in California, New York, Illinois and Florida. The official count is likely to be underestimated and could paint a rosy picture of the disease's spread. The nation is ignorant of the true extent of the outbreak due to inadequate testing. The CDC said there have been more than 5,000 confirmed cases in 51 different countries. In Europe, the U.K., Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands have all recorded at least one. In Canada, there is a notable cluster. Many more cases are suspected, but not confirmed, and the official tally probably underestimates the number of cases. This data doesn't show the extent of the monkeypox outbreak that has been going on in Nigeria and other African countries for years. These countries have not received any monkeypox vaccine despite seeing more infections.
More than 1.5 million. The federal government will make about 300,000 doses of the Jynneos vaccine available this year, according to the HHS. Over the course of the summer and fall, HHS expects to make another half a million doses available. The Department of Health and Human Services said it had already given out more than 9000 doses of vaccine.
Changing eligibility and vaccine supplies There isn't enough of the Jynneos vaccine for everyone who wants it. In areas that launched their own initiatives, there have been supply issues. In Washington, D.C., and New York City, vaccine supplies ran out quickly. If eligibility guidelines are expanded, the issue could get worse. The national strategy may change once vaccine supplies improve, according to officials. The director of the CDC said at a press conference that a stronger vaccine supply chain could mean a shift to vaccinations.
HHS officials told Forbes that there is enough vaccine in federal inventories to immunize the entire U.S. population. There is a significant portion of the ACAM vaccine. The ACAM shot has not been cleared for use because it has similar setbacks to theAPSV. If Jynneos supplies are insufficient, the ACAM vaccine has some unique challenges. The vaccine uses a related virus, vaccinia, to cause a sore on the recipient's arm. Sometimes this can spread to other people and leave a distinctive scar. People with compromised immune systems, those in close contact with such people and pregnant people are excluded from receiving live virus. Rates of people living with HIV are higher among men who have sex with men, as monkeypox cases have been disproportionately among men who have sex with men. The ACAM shot is used in different ways. Most practicing clinicians aren't likely to have any experience using an old form of immunization that uses a bifurcated needle.
The make-or-break moment for monkeypox can be found at the gay pride events.
There's a lot to know about how monkeypox spreads and whether you should wear a mask.