According to the World Health Organization, monkeypox is not a public health emergency. In the U.S., more than 300 cases have been reported, but public health officials are not able to follow all the transmission routes. Everyone should be aware of its symptoms and how it can spread.
Is it a good idea to be concerned about monkeypox?
The American public is not at high risk of contracting monkeypox. It is spreading among men who have sex with men, but it is only a matter of time before it reaches other men. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control had 10 cases of women. People who are immunocompromised, pregnant women, a fetus or newborn, women who are breastfeeding, and people with severe skin diseases are all at risk of contracting monkeypox.
If the disease continues to spread, it could become endemic in the U.S.
A: How does monkeypox affect people?
There is a close cousin of the disease Monkeypox. It causes a less severe disease.
Sex, kissing, and massage are all ways in which it is transmitted. Monkeypox has mostly been transmitted sexually in the current outbreak.
Condoms and dental dams will reduce but won't prevent all transmission because they only protect against transmission to and from the skin and mucosal surfaces. The virus can enter broken skin, enter the eyes, nose, mouth, and anus. The scientists don't know if monkeypox can be transmitted through semen or vaginal fluid.
It's not thought to be a particularly efficient mode of transmission because Monkeypox can be transmitted through respiratory droplets. It is not known if monkeypox can be transmitted through aerosols.
It is not known if someone who doesn't have symptoms can transmit the disease.
There are some symptoms of monkeypox.
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It can take up to 21 days for the symptoms of monkeypox to show up.
It is not known if the symptoms of monkeypox are always present.
Before there were more sophisticated diagnostic tests, experts believed that monkeypox would cause some of the symptoms, but they were wrong.
There is a monkeypox rash.
The monkeypox rash can start with red spots and evolve into fluid-filled bumps that can look like blisters. There are bumps that open into blisters. People with monkeypox should not be in contact with each other until the blisters are gone. There are blisters on the monkeypox sores. Many people in the outbreak have had external and internal wounds of the mouth, genitalia, and anus, but the rash was usually on palms and soles. When their bowels are empty, people may experience rectal pain or feel the need to have a bowel movement.
Is it possible to get tested for monkeypox?
You should go to a sexual health clinic if you have any symptoms of monkeypox. There should be a medical professional who is willing to take a sample for testing. Health officials in the U.S. are not currently suggesting that throat swabs be used to screen for monkeypox.
There is a vaccine for monkeys.
I agree. There are two vaccines that are effective in preventing monkeypox. The Jynneos vaccine has been approved by the FDA for people over the age of eighteen. The ACAM2000 is approved by the FDA. The U.S. uses only the Jynneos vaccine because it has less side effects.
The vaccine is safe Thousands of people have been tested, including people who are immune compromised or have skin conditions. The side effects of the Jynneos vaccine are the same as those of other vaccines.
The Jynneos vaccine is effective in preventing monkeypox disease up to four days after exposure and may reduce the severity of symptoms if given up to fourteen days after exposure.
Is it possible to be vaccined against monkeypox?
People who have had close contact with someone with monkeypox, men who have sex with men and trans women who have recently had multiple sex partners are at higher risk of contracting monkeypox, according to the CDC.
There are limited supplies of the vaccine. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will release 56,000 doses from the national stockpile. More than 1.5 million doses will be made available in the coming months, including 240,000 in the coming weeks, 750,000 in the summer, and 500,000 in the fall.
There are other ways to reduce the risk of transmission.
It's a good idea to educate yourself and your sex partners about the disease. Get tested at a sexual health clinic if you're worried about monkeypox. Health care facilities may not be up to date on monkeypox. You can find the nearest sexual health clinic by going to the CDC website.
If you or your partner have monkeypox, don't have sex. Condoms can reduce the risk of transmission, but not eliminate it. There is a risk of going to raves or other parties where a lot of people are wearing little clothing and are in saunas and sex clubs, according to the CDC. Sex toys and bedding can be washed.
There is a treatment for monkeys.
There is no cure for monkeypox. The majority of monkeypox cases are mild and don't require treatment. There are medications that can be used to reduce pain and there are medications that can be used to reduce pain. In rare cases, some patients, such as pregnant women, a fetus or newborn, women who are breastfeeding, and people with severe skin diseases, will need more specific treatment. The doctors are trying experimental therapies. The Jynneos and ACAM2000 vaccines can help reduce the severity of disease.
There is misinformation about monkeypox.
There's a lot of conspiracy theories about monkeypox. Monkeypox is a real thing. There is a disease called monkeypox. You can't get monkeypox with covid vaccines. Bill Gates was not responsible for the invention of monkeypox. There is no evidence that monkeypox came from a lab in China. The migrants crossing the U.S.- Mexico border have not brought monkeypox into the US. There is no need for a vaccine mandate.
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