On Thursday, the Supreme Court dealt a blow to the federal government's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

The decision weakens the EPA's authority to set environmental regulations that aim to slow the advancement of climate change.

John Roberts was the chief justice. Three liberals dissented.

The challenge was brought by West Virginia and a bunch of Republican-led states, many of which are fossil fuel producers, that didn't like the EPA's authority to impose regulations on the energy sector.

The Clean Power Plan was put in place by President Barack Obama to try to limit carbon dioxide pollution from power plants. The Supreme Court stopped the plan.

The plan was replaced by the more-relaxedAffordable Clean Energy Rule. The rule was struck down by an appeals court.

The GOP-led states brought their challenge to the Supreme Court ahead of time in order to prevent the EPA from creating its own rules.

The case was argued in February. There are legal questions about the ability of other agencies to make decisions.

According to a United Nations report, emissions have caused global temperatures to rise, which could affect food and water supply, people's health, and where people can live. Governments are not doing enough to combat climate change, according to the UN

Democrats are worried about the climate change crisis.

It's catastrophic. There is more that can be done with a carveout. We need to reform or do away with the whole thing for the sake of the planet.