Technologists have been talking about the metaverse for a long time, and here at WIRED we wrote about it a lot. We don't know how to define the next generation of the internet, which is contingent on 3D experiences and a persistent, continuous federated identity. Was it still confusing? Matthew Ball, a strategist, venture capitalist, and author, talks about his new book The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything, on this week's Gadget Lab.
The content can be seen on the site it came from.
We want to know how Ball defines the metaverse, whether the metaverse should be regulated, and what a realistic vision of interoperability might be.
There are show notes.
Matthew Ball wrote The Metaverse: And How it will Revolutionize everything. The June cover story is about Web3 You can follow all of WIRED's coverage here.
There are recommendations.
Matthew is a fan of The Old Man and the US Supreme CourtStrict Scrutiny. Try out an electric car for a bit. Lauren is a big fan of the Supreme Court and the 5-4Podcast.
Matthew Ball can be reached on social media. There is a person named Gilad EDelman. LaurenGoode is the name of the person. The person is Michael Calore. The main hotline should be blinged out. The show is produced by a man. Solar Keys is our theme song.
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