Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for Russia to be kicked out of the UN.

Zelenskyy asked the UN to create a special international tribunal to investigate the actions of the Russians.

You all watched what the Russians did in our city. Zelenskyy said that each of you could get information on how many mass graves there were around Mariupol. Half a million people lived in the city. There are ruins right now.

Zelenskyy said that they need to act immediately to make Russia stop the killings of children. Moscow's renewed missile attacks and a devastating mall bombing in the city were highlighted by him.

If no action were taken, similar acts would happen in other European countries and Asia, he said.

Zelenskyy said that many nations have already heard threats from Russian officials and state propaganda.

At the level of a state that has become a terrorist, what is punished at that level must not be forgotten. Terrorist acts on a daily basis. There weren't days off. Every day, they are terrorists.

Zelenskyy called for Russia to be removed from the UN altogether, saying that it had violated the organization's principles while still enjoying its seat. Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Zelenskyy said that Russia has no right to take part in the discussion and voting on the war against Ukraine. I urge you to take away the powers of the delegation that is a terrorist state. It's necessary. That is correct. It's fair.

The UN can expel member countries, but this has never happened. The UN Security Council's recommendation is required to do so. There is no way for Russia to get a unanimous vote to remove it from the council.