Mick Mulvaney, the former White House Chief of Staff, said on Wednesday that he believes the real threat to Trump is the January 6 panel that may lead to accusations of obstruction of justice.

Mulvaney weighed in on the bombshell testimony given before the panel by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Mulvaney.

Mulvaney defended the former president against the claims that he did anything illegal in relation to the Capitolriot. After Hutchinson's testimony, Mulvaney said he was having trouble maintaining that position.

After some of the bombshells that got dropped in that hearing, my guess is that things could get very dark for the former president.

During Tuesday's hearing, there was a real threat to Trump that did not depend on Hutchinson's words or credibility. The one that hit me was the one that jumped out at me. It's the one that should worry the former president the most.

There are two messages that the witnesses say they received before giving their depositions. Reminders that Trump reads transcripts of interviews and allusions to being a "team player" were among the messages.

The implication of the messages being displayed during the hearing was clear.

People within the Trump operation are suspected of trying to intimidate witnesses. Any way you slice it is obstruction of justice.

Even if Donald Trump did not assault his agent, did not know about the guns, or did not know what the Proud Boys were up to, he would still be innocent. The cover up is what it is. Mulvaney said something.