Russian missiles hit a shopping mall in CentralUkraine on Monday. Security cameras were able to capture the falling rubble from hundreds of meters away after the blast.

At the time, there were hundreds of people inside the mall, and as of yesterday morning, 18 people had died. 36 people are still missing and many others are injured.

Mykhailets spoke to The New York Times from a hospital bed and said she remembers flying. I was flying in the air. shards were falling on me as my body was being beaten all over.

Misinformation Battles

The news of the attack was quickly relayed by the Ukrainians, and the Russian authorities took to Telegram to insist that the deaths of civilians were faked.

The shopping mall had not been in business for months according to the defense ministry. The building contained the largest children's play center in the city according to a Ukrainian woman who lives close by.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the strike as one of the most defiant terrorist attacks in European history.

Russian attacks on everyday Ukrainians are on the rise. A person was killed when a missile hit an apartment building and a kindergarten in the capital city of Ukranian. The rest of the world sees a different picture of Russia's military operation, one in which indiscriminate violence wreaks havoc and terror on an invaded land.

A shopping trip was shattered by a missile.

Russia's military is getting defeated by the Ukrainians.