R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison after being found guilty of sex crimes and human traffickers. The singer was in the federal courthouse in Brooklyn when the judge announced his sentence. Since he was found guilty on all 9 counts, Kelly could be sentenced to 10 years to life. He didn't want to give a statement. Federal prosecutors had recommended no less than 25 years in prison for Kelly due to his crimes. The trial of Kelly took just over a month, and his attorneys seemed overmatched in court. Kelly's legal team called on a few of his former employees and associates who said they never saw him abuse anyone. Dozens of witnesses were brought to the stand to poke holes in that claim. Kelly wouldn't take the stand. Lizzette was one of Kelly's victims and she told us that he deserved a life sentence. Kelly is facing state and federal trials in Minnesota and Illinois.
6/9/22 TMZ.com