I was laid off fromTesla on June 17 after working as a recruiter. I'm not the only one who is in the process of being laid off.

There was nothing to warn of. I didn't have a performance plan and didn't get any feedback during my short stint.

Is that for what? billionaires save more money so they can stay afloat while uprooting the lives of many people

Tesla was my dream company

I consider myself to be a total tech nerd. It has always been a dream company for me, and I was very excited to work atTesla.

I was looking for candidates to work on the deep learning team and on autopilot. I live in Texas and work from home. I liked my job so much that I ordered twoTeslas for myself but have since canceled them.

On the last day of April, our company's CEO sent out an email saying that we needed to go back to work.

My expectation was that I would be a fully remote employee. Since there wouldn't be anyone to collaborate with or support me if I went into the office, I was fully transparent with my manager about my intentions to work remotely. They shared many concerns with me.

Then on June 2, we got an email that the company was going into a hiring freeze

I got the email at the end of the day after attending an autopilot recruiting event in California. I was shocked by it. This is the first time in my career that I've been through this situation.

My colleagues reassured me that I shouldn't worry about it and that our team would be fine since it was one of the priorities of the man. We just started recruiting at a higher bar and made sure only the best candidates got through.

The very next day we found out about a 10% salaried workforce reduction

Back-to-back-to-back. My colleagues were not too concerned. Since they've been at the company longer than I have, I was reassured. As the new hire, I didn't have the data or metrics to prove my worth.

I got a text from my colleague saying someone on their team had been laid off while I was on the phone with a candidate.

Shortly after that, I saw a meeting on my calendar that just said, "Meeting-Tesla"

I knew that my time at the company was up when that popped up.

A member of HR told me I would be terminated immediately after I joined the virtual meeting. They read off a piece of paper. I knew it wasn't their fault, but I couldn't keep my cool during the meeting.

I was in shock when it ended. And then I burst into tears.

I talked to my friends about what happened. I went to a friend's apartment and they made me food and we came up with something to post onLinkedIn.

30 minutes later, I tried to log back in to my computer and it said my email was inactive

I didn't have access to everything.

Although I couldn't email my colleagues, they've been very supportive and helped me find other opportunities, even though I couldn't email them.

We are at the beginning of a recession and everything seems to get more expensive as the weeks go on.

I feel for every employee who's been laid off because we're all scrambling for work now

I'm looking for a new job as well as thousands of other people who have been laid off. It's still difficult even though I'm in a better financial position than most.

I sympathize with the current employees of the company. Their workload doubled and they may feel pressured to perform and do their jobs effectively with so many layoffs across the board.

It's disappointing to see so many people onLinkedIn who have been laid off, but also to see that there are still jobs available.

Everyone should look into company culture before accepting a new position. Ask hard questions and reach out to employees. You need to lean on the people closest to you.

The company did not reply to the request for comment.

If you've been laid off, send an email to jgyimesi at jgyimesi@insider.com